Curriculum Crafting
This page will be about the Teaching Plan specifically:
Teaching plan related to your major
The Merdeka Curriculum promotes student-centered learning, flexibility, and character development. It prioritizes personalized learning experiences and practical skills to meet real-world challenges.

With the Merdeka Curriculum in mind, I made sure that it aligned with my teaching plan for narrative and descriptive text. I did this by:
Encouraging creative expression through narrative and descriptive writing; both of my teaching activities allowed students to express their creativity such as with a fill in the blank activity where create their own 1-day trip to Bali short story, and a Picture story challenge where they interpret a group of pictures to tell a short descriptive text.
Using project-based learning, where students not only write but also present their work, fostering communication skills and confidence. The Merdeka curriculum relies on the PBL hence I made sure that the day will end where they have an output.
Emphasizing critical thinking and reflection, as students analyze their own writing and their peers' work, this is done while simultaneously targeting the presenting learning outcome as students presented their outputs in front.
The curriculum also wants to focus on the Pancasila Student Profile and my teaching plan aims to foster collaboration and teamwork.
Learning Goals
Focusing on my evaluation day teaching plan, given that I teach English, my plan that day was to teach Descriptive Text. Given that descriptive text is split into to parts, Introduction and Description, my focus was to teach description.
My teaching material aside from the activity is the use of canva presentation to handle the discussion first then the flow of the teaching procedure.
After a short writing activity to enhance their writing skills, they will then present their results to enhance their speaking skills. In English or any language subject, it is important to target the four macro skills, these activities specifically target both writing and speaking skills. However, the teaching plan can also improve their listening comprehension and reading comprehension albeit a little more subtlely.
Key Activities
The students will create a short story using a sequence of three pictures. The aim was to ensure that all students will write a descriptive text that is focused on hitting the main aspect of descriptive text which is the presence of descriptors. The class of 37 students are grouped with 4-5 members each, with each group receiving a different set of pictures.
As their teacher, I was going around from group to group to guide them in the activity, making sure that their work is in compliance with the learning goals. I made sure that all students used descriptors in their sentences to ensure proper writing of description in a descriptive text.
As Sir Ali recommended, I also placed in their activity sheet the breakdown of their scores. This is to let students know what I need to see in their sentences in order for them to tick the boxes the criteria if they are writing their sentences correctly. The pointing system is as follows per set of pictures:
1 point for presence of verb
1 point for presence of adjective or adverb
1 point for complete thought: subject and predicate
1 point if 1st and 2nd photo are connected.
1 point if 2nd and 3rd photo are connected.
1 point if all photos are connected.
Each picture set is equal to 12 points.
The next assessment is their presentation. As this is a simple activity, the main criteria for the rubric are the content and delivery. Since the content is already the same content in the writing activity, my evaluation of their content as per the presentation is the way they presented themselves from their greeting, introduction, and closing. Their delivery is also scored from the way they presented themselves such as eye contact and body language.
Teaching plan related to English

The Merdeka curriculum felt very new to me. In the Philippines, I was used to targeting three aspects in the learning objectives: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. I learned more that in the teaching plan Sir Ali made me do, the affective part is not as outwardly stated as it is already written in their Pancasila Student Profile. I do believe that with my teaching plan, I was still able to hit the three objectives. Cognitive with my short discussion and recall of their schema, Affective with their teamwork, and Psychomotor with their activities. I do wish however that I had a little more time with them teaching them how to present well, such as tips on how to present like maintaining eye contact and holding proper posture, or even to detail my discussion on the difference of adjectives and adverbs.