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Teaching in the Tropics:
Tales from a Teacher in Kendari
Hugs in new shapes
Blue skies, sunny and biting
luggage heavy, neck pillow soft
I step to a land foreign to me
Embraced with warm smiles,
A warm soup to welcome,
a cold drink to shake hands
... a new door awakens​
- Leslie Anzia
Spice and love
This love new discovered,
looking at mirrors with small ripples.
I open my heart to new hands,
matching with their chili tongues.
I cry to miss,
I smile to the joys,
this temporary home I will treasure
- Leslie Anzia
Collaborative Classrooms, Cultural Insights

This blog encapsulates Leslie Bridget's journey in Kendari, Indonesia. She is one of the three delegates sent by Saint Louis University to Halu Oleo University in the care of Mrs. Waode Ade Sarasmita Uke. She represents the English Majors in hopes to discover the curriculum of Indonesia in the name of sharing and gaining knowledge.
Menyambut Petualangan Baru!
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